Days in the life of Rob.

This is the diary of Rob-151 who is the host of Rob on the net.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Rob has decided to try something new. As this picture implies, Rob has had enough of being his normal fat self and therefore is planning a mass summer long war on flab. This has been in the back of Rob's mind for a while and now he become to face the facts that it must be done. Let's hope that by the end of August, you will see a new Rob. What's that? Why don't I just start now? Well (Rob whimpers quietly) it's cold and wet out there. The truth is that Rob has too much to do to start now. He will start in summer. Who's with me? (There is a long pause as the wind blows quietly in the background. A pin drops with a bang. A dog's bark echos in the street. Rob sighs.) It's going to be a long summer. Posted by Hello