Days in the life of Rob.

This is the diary of Rob-151 who is the host of Rob on the net.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

More news about the war against the flab.

It's been over a year since I declared war against the flab (fat whatever) and I must say it's great when it suddenly hits me how much I have lost.

I look in the bathroom mirror every morning and see well a fat guy looking back. Then I stand next to a wall mirror and see that I don't look that large at all. What gives? Still it was great when I bought a new shirt a found that a medium size fitted very well instead of a large or extra large. I also descovered that I had lost about 8 inches off my waist (paty time I think) and even then those new trousers are a little on the large size.

My BMI says that I am... Wait for it... Over weight. Well you can't win them all can you. Well I could but first I must attack the NHS. Who's with me? No one? Ok ok I won't attack hospitals ok.

People these days. No sense of violence. Why in my day... I won't continue because I will be lieing.


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