Days in the life of Rob.

This is the diary of Rob-151 who is the host of Rob on the net.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's been the end of two eras over here in Rob Ville, Land of Rob.

  1. The old video rentals (well now DVD rentals) is gone. After all these years of being now nothing. Where will Rob get his saturday videos now? Yeah that was clever wasn't it? Yes go and buy a company and then go bust yourself. (I say that because the old video place was taken over by another company before this happened but it was still there at least.)
  2. This proberly only affects people in the UK. The old official nintendo magazine was given the boot er quite a few months ago. Nintendo wanting a new look so it basicly sacked everyone and gave the official branding to another magazine company. Sniff it was fun to read. Look the 2 editors: the old and the new. Although the new mag is good it'll never be the same. Still it's only a matter of opinion which is better Tim Street or Lee Nutter.
So gone is the old Nintendo official magazine (nom) and here to stay is the new Official Nintendo magazine (onm).

See there's both teams. And look there's Rob still mourning the loss. Let's just hope that that photo isn't real. It would be shameful. Hear that Rob? Shameful. Baby. Crying over a magazine. Yes Rob you've fired me so many times another time won't make any difference.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Look, see what Rob finds.

Here's a fact I bet you never knew about Rob. Yes a prefect at school. Wow this must mean that he was a smart, intelegent, first class student. Right? Wrong.

So how did Rob of all people receive this honourable role? Simple he applied for it in the second last year of school didn't get it but, like everyone else who did the same, he was automaticly made one the next year. Simple. Don't ask me why.

What did this mean? It meant that Rob wore this badge and helped out in er two school events which were parent evenings (oh and he proberly, he can't remember, only helped out in one of them). Pretty pointless really. Still it was nice a blue.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

More news about the war against the flab.

It's been over a year since I declared war against the flab (fat whatever) and I must say it's great when it suddenly hits me how much I have lost.

I look in the bathroom mirror every morning and see well a fat guy looking back. Then I stand next to a wall mirror and see that I don't look that large at all. What gives? Still it was great when I bought a new shirt a found that a medium size fitted very well instead of a large or extra large. I also descovered that I had lost about 8 inches off my waist (paty time I think) and even then those new trousers are a little on the large size.

My BMI says that I am... Wait for it... Over weight. Well you can't win them all can you. Well I could but first I must attack the NHS. Who's with me? No one? Ok ok I won't attack hospitals ok.

People these days. No sense of violence. Why in my day... I won't continue because I will be lieing.